Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.14., Matild névnapja van.
Betűméret:  A   A   A

On account of their popularity, the below-listed dormitory places need to be booked well in advance (at least a notice of three months). For further accomodation opportunities, please contact the ERASMUS coordinator via email:




Saint Imre Dormitory         www.szikk.hu

István Kaszap Jesuit Dormitory         www.kijk.hu

Karolina Catholic University Dormitory    www.karolinaszakkoli.webhely.com

Szeged Christian Dormitory        www.szkrsz.hu

Tódor Romzsa Greek Catholic Dormitory      www.szegoke.hu/romzsa



Information on the website of the Faculty of Pedagogy in Szarvas: www.pk.gff-szarvas.hu


Information on the website of the Faculty of Healthy and Social Sciences in Gyula: http://www.gff-gyula.hu