Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.1.19., Name day: Sára, Marió.
Betűméret:  A   A   A

International & ERASMUS+



ERASMUS Charter  

ERASMUS Policy statement - GFF



Studying at Gál Ferenc College as
an ERASMUS+ Student

Institutional brochure





Courses in foreign languages

Staff mobility for teacing
at Gál Ferenc College





We are preparing you for your future!

Student's life at GFC 





Instituional Erasmus Coordinator:
István Thékes Phd.
thekes.istvan@gff-szeged.hu   +36 70 440 4223

international and Erasmus assistant
Annamária Hégert-Huszka
erasmus@gff-szeged.hu  |  +36 20 493-7022

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Coordinator of Faculty of Pedagogy:
Orsolya Szilvássy Phd.
szilvassy.orsolya@pk.gff-szarvas.hu  +36 66 311 511

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Coordinator of Faculty of Health and Social Sciences:
Kristóf Czinderi
czinderi.kristof@gff-gyula.hu  |  +36 30 518 8619

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Coordinator of Faculty of Economics:
Mónika Csefkó
csefko.monika@gff-bekescsaba.hu  |  +36-66-524-700/1033



Co-funded by the  European Union 

EU programme for education, training, youth and sport


National Office: Tempus Public Foundation