Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.2.08., Name day: Aranka.
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History of the College

The Faculty of Theology (TK) and Faculty of Social Sciences and Social Training (TSZK) of the 85-year-old Gál Ferenc College in Szeged, the Faculty of Pedagogy (PK) in Szarvas and Budapest, furthermore the agricultural institutions (MM) of Mezőtúr are waiting those high school or university graduates who are committed to Catholic theological studies, agriculture, ecclesiastical and social or teaching professions, the cultivation of sciences and serving communities.

Bishop Gyula Glattfelder founded the predecessor of the College in Szeged, in the diocese’s centre after the Trianon border changes. The first academic year began in 1930. The college and the seminary were led by Jesuits until violent suspension of the functioning of religious orders in 1950. In the early 1970s, the secret theological training of the seculars was launched first in the country, in Szeged; then in 1983 accepting applicants on correspondence courses also became possible. The training of secular full-time students (theologians and religious teachers) started with the regime change. The college affiliated with the Faculty of Theology of the Péter Pázmány Catholic University in 1995. The college thus was allowed to prepare its theology students to be awarded with the Bachelor’s degree offered by the University and also recognizes by the Holy See. This qualification is accepted by the Church and allows the acquisition of further licenced and academic degrees, doctorates.

The College took the name of Ferenc Gál, former professor of dogmatism, who was the first rector of the Catholic University and whose exceptional personality still affects education, clergy training and the Hungarian Catholic Church. The social mission of the institution and the diocese is served by the research groups of the College, the Gerthardus Publishing and its thematic publications, scientific journals, conferences, developing international relations and the cultural events of the Klebesberg room.


Life in College