Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
Betűméret:  A   A   A

News and articles

Gyula higher education day on 29th January


Levente Serfőző’s doctoral thesis defense at the Papal Salesian University


Éva Bajomi-Nagy, Deputy Director of our Szarvas Teacher Training Institution and Dr. Sarolta Fest, Deputy Dean of the GFC Faculty of Pedagogy, were awarded by the Szarvas Local Government

The award of the Szarvas local government was presented by Attila Kiss, head of the Szarvas City Sports Committee and Mayor Mihály Babák to six former athletes.

Bishop László Kiss-Rigó was awarded the Duna Prize this year


SoCaTel hackathon competition was held at Gál Ferenc College, the Hungarian consortium partner of the H2020 SoCaTel project

The purpose of the 22nd-23rd November competition was to develop elderly care and to provide software solutions for accessibility support.