Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
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News and articles

About the Heritage of Reformation - Honestly (A one day symposium at Gál Ferenc College) 19th October 2017 Szeged (Hungary)

This year Gál Ferenc College, the Roman Catholic institution located in Szeged, Hungary would like to join the Reformation 500 Jubilee which was originally initiated by Protestant Churches.

Invitation for the 87th school year opening ceremony of the Gál Ferenc College

Invitation for the 87th school year opening ceremony of the Gál Ferenc College

Our colleagues’ language course trip in Dublin

On the basis of the memoradum of understanding signed with Atlantic Language School, three colleagues from Szeged had the chance to participate in a Dublin course in July. The three employees of the Rector’s Office spent a very useful study trip financed by the ERASMUS program in Dublin.

Mid-year ERASMUS conference at Gál Ferenc College

The mid-year ERASMUS conference of GFC was called on 6th July by dr. István Thékes, senior lecturer and institution ERASMUS coordinator.

Closing of academic school year at Gál Ferenc College

We are protecting values allotted on us, our faith and we are setting example and providing confirmation