Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
Betűméret:  A   A   A

The Scientific Council of Békés County Government Office has been established

The Scientific Council of Békés County Government Office was established on Tuesday at the initiative of Árpád Takács, head of the Békés County Government Office. At the inaugural meeting organized in the Tomcsányi Hall of the Government Office, the credentials were taken over by the officers of the Board and advisors assisting the work, the Békés County Government Office announced in their news portal.

On the basis of the initiative of the commissioner of the government, Dr. Gábor Kozma, Rector of Gál Ferenc College will take the role of Vice-Chair in the Scientific Council of Békés County Government Office. He will be in charge of supporting the coordination of scientific research. His work will be assisted by Dr. Zsolt Antal, associate professor of the University of National Public Service. Tibor Gazsó, Strategic Chief Advisor of Gál Ferenc College will also be member of the council.

What is the task of Vice-President supporting the coordination of scientific research doing? - asked Dr. Gábor Kozma. - Mainly to ask good questions about the work of the council, research, and applications. And then he has to arrange for the creation of answers that are good for all, i.e. scientific and are useful and applicable - replied the Rector of Gál Ferenc College. The state can be considered good when it serves the needs of individuals, communities and businesses in the most appropriate way. The Békés County Government Office provides for service and communicates with society with its services Thus for the scientific council these services provide for the fields of functioning.

The Scientific Council of Békés County Government Office has been established