Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.03., Name day: Kornélia.
Betűméret:  A   A   A

Presentation of associate professor István Thékes at TEDx in Békéscsaba

Dr. István Thékes is an associate professor at Gál Ferenc College in Szeged, a language teacher, an educational researcher on the educational role of info-communication, the secretary of foreign affairs of the institution, a developer and carrier of a rich international relations system. He has been a lecturer at international conferences, from the major Hungarian universities to Cambridge, New York. He is a sportsman, tennis player who competed in the US University Championships, coach of the Saint Gellért Forum in Szeged, and father of four children.


István Thékes considers the lectures of our lecturers in the highly acclaimed TED (Technology, Education, Design) series of conferences as an important event for the institution. Launched in Los Angeles in 1996, TED gained popularity on the Internet, YouTube. TED Conferences, with 18 minutes or less of thought-provoking and entertaining presentations, are an extremely intense and inspiring experience. TED has completely changed the conference experience that it used to, making it perhaps the most exciting, sought after, and serious, non-technical conference in the world. At TED Conferences, there will be a video of the presentations available after the event on TED.com and on YouTube. It's an honor to be featured on TED, as millions have already watched, for example, the presentation of Pope Francis, or Larry Page, the founder of Google, and Sir Ken Robinson, a British education researcher. It is a good idea that those interested can search any topic of any discipline in presentations of uniform quality and style, both in English and in national languages.


There have been relatively few TED events in Hungary so far. Dr. István Thékes gave a lecture entitled ‘Will we need language teachers in 20 years?’ at the second TEDx event in Békéscsaba. At the Csabagyöngye Cultural Center, he said in front of a full house that the rapid advances in technology keep the education and work organization systems under constant pressure. He emphasized that ICT (Infocommunication Technology) competence has become an economic commodity, a key competence in pedagogy. In the impulsive lecture, István Thékes explained how an educator, especially a language teacher, can find themselves in this environment and how they transform the educational work. The presentation will be available on the TEDx YouTube channel in two months. In the future, other GFC instructors may be featured on TEDx.