Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
Betűméret:  A   A   A

The presentation of associate professor, dr. István Thékes at the University of Cambridge Trinity Hall main hall.

The „International Conference of Education and Information Technology 2019” was heled between 2nd and 4th March, 2019 at the University of Cambridge Trinity Hall. The university, founded in 1209 is one of the world’s most famous HEIs. According to the QS ranking, it was first in 2011 and at current it is on 6th position.

Dr. István Thékes, the associate professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy of the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences of Gál Ferenc College, the secretary for foreign affairs held his presentation entitled ’How does an enhanced cognitive load influence the acquisition of EFL collocational knowledge?’ on 3rd March which was attended by several professors of international fame.

During the opening ceremony it was highlighted that only 50 out of the submitted 160 abstracts were accepted due to the rigorous review system, amongst them that of dr. István Thékes. At the event of highest rank of the profession, Malaysian, Japanese, Indonesian, American, Italian, British and Greek research that constantly publish in impact factor journals presented the latest opportunities provided by educational technology and acknowledged the research conducted by the associate professor of the college. The presentations were held in the Graham Storey hall that was inaugurated by the Queen in 2000 and that is found 50 meters from the Stephen Hawking room. The favorite university restaurant of the professor of quantum-physics, deceased last March, became the informal venue of the conference where researchers discussed the future of education during the breaks. In the meantime, dr.István Thékes had the chance of generating new international partnerships for Gál Ferenc College.

The conference program is available at: http://www.iceit.org/prog.html