Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
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Gàl Ferenc College is opening its 88th academic year.


The 88th academic year is on its way at Gál Ferenc College


This year 499 freshman students commence their studies in the current the academic year at Gál Ferenc College. The entire number of students tallies 1,500. Apart from them 900 students study in public education in the schools of the diocese.


The 88th academic year was ceremoniously opened on Friday. In the central ceremony, the representatives of the four faculties, the diocese, the University of Szeged and some politicians took part.


Rector, Gábor Kozma highlighted that last year he called the college a family that has extended this year again: the faculty in Békéscsaba was received in February, the dormitory in Szarvas joined in the spring season and the dormitory in Békéscsaba will join soon as well.

He asserted that this year 499 freshman students will start this academic year and the entire number of students at the college is 1,500.

One of the guests of the ceremony was László Hegyi, chief advisor of state secretary. He reminded the audience that church education in Hungary commences its 1022nd academic year. The country needs people serving others and leading others. Therefore, the government supports this school.

The central academic year opening ceremony was followed by a Veni Sancte mass celebrated by Bishop László Kiss-Rigó