Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.03., Name day: Kornélia.
Betűméret:  A   A   A

SoCaTel hackathon competition was held at Gál Ferenc College, the Hungarian consortium partner of the H2020 SoCaTel project

To participate in the hackathon, Gál Ferenc College was looking for people interested in developing software for the elderly care industry. The aim of the hackathon within the competition was to bring the best ideas for develop elderly care to the level of implementation.

At the end of the two-day event, the jury decided to classify the following teams in ranking:

1st place: HARDWAX

2nd place: GK-YAMINA


The runner-up team, GK-YAMINA, came from the Faculty of Economics of Gál Ferenc College of in Békéscsaba.

The 1st place team will receive a € 6,000 three-month contract from SoCaTel, a French consortium partner, in addition to the $ 500 prize, to upgrade the prototype to a beta software application. The 2nd place team were awarded € 300 and the 3rd place team were awarded € 200.

Congratulations to the competitors and participants!