Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.03., Name day: Kornélia.
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Recognition for the SoCaTel project of Gál Ferenc College has appeared on the EU Innovation Radar platform.

Recognition for the SoCaTel project of Gál Ferenc College has appeared on the EU Innovation Radar platform.


The GFC - from August Gál Ferenc University - is implementing the EU Horizon 2020 program, which is the only one in Hungarian higher education, in partnership with key European universities. GFC is collaborating with several international organizations and universities, such as Ozwillo, Cy.RIC, Cyprus Research and Innovation Center and Rovira i Virgili University, Trinity College Dublin.


The SoCaTel project aims to improve social and care provision to help Europe's aging population by increasing comprehensive access, responsiveness, efficiency and transparency in support of long-term care objectives.


SoCaTel creates and implements a multi-player, multi-module platform that promotes aging in a friendly environment and community. Gál Ferenc College, now Gál Ferenc University, is a recognized successful participant in this program.


The EU Innovation Radar, which also recognizes the achievements of SoCaTel, aims to make the innovation-related results of high-quality EU-funded projects visible and accessible to the public on this platform. Publication on the EU's Innovation Radar will be made available to all the significant technological and scientific achievements of researchers and innovators across Europe with funding from the European Commission


The publication is available at: https://www.innoradar.eu/innovation/34994