Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
Betűméret:  A   A   A

Presentation of the Baron Vilmos Gelsey awards on 9th June

On the occasion of the birthday of Baron Vilmos Gelsey in December, nomination for the Baron Vilmos Gelsey Grand award and award was announced by the Vilmos Gelsey Pedagogical Institute of Szeged-Csanád Diocese (SZEGEPI). Thus, contribution was made to acknowledge and to set the persons transmitting value important for the society as role models.

Deadline for nomination was 23rd March, 2018 and Christian educators and economic experts having great achievements were up for being nominees.

The award-presentation ceremony was held on 9th June in the Dome Visting Center in Szeged.

The Baron Vilmos Gelsey Grand award was given to dr. Rózsa Hoffmann whose pedagogical work for Christian education and for the Hungarian public education was acknowledged this way. Laudation of the awarded was put forth by Zoltán Balog, ex-minister, the current president of the Fund for Civil Hungary.

The Baron Vilmos Gelsey award was given to Mrs. György Nagy. Her work for the case of Christian education, for Hungarian public education and her work of excellent financial expertise overarching decades were acknowledged this way. Her laudation was put forth by József Tóth, auditor of Moneta Auditing and Tax Consulting Ltd.