Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
Betűméret:  A   A   A

Our primary school students’ success at poem reciting in the Carpathian Basin

On 8th March in Békéscsaba, the final of the 7th Contemporary Poem-recital Competition of the Carpathian Basin was held. For the competition every year the kindergarten and primary school students may select from the works of different poets. This year they prepared with the works of Éva Mentovics. From 28 institutions nearly 230 participants applied for the event from various regions of the Carpathian Basin. The children competed in four venues because of the high number of participants.

Eleven children represented the Primary School of Gál Ferenc College who returned home all with gold, silver or bronze qualification in their age groups.

Both of the awarded kindergarten pupils go to Panda group (training kindergarten educators: Demjénné Klára Jónás, head kindergarten teacher and Monostoriné Nelli Sándor, lower primary school teacher)


Gold qualification: Zsófia Erzsébet Szító

Bronze qualification: Roberta Kecsmarik


The awarded students of the Teacher Training Primary School by classes:

1st grade a: Amira Horváth: bronze qualification (training teacher: Anita Komlósné Szirom, head lower primary school teacher)

1st grade Hanna Prjevara: gold qualification (training teacher: Anita Komlósné Szirom ,head lower primary school teacher) 

2nd grade.: Zorka Bencze: silver qualification (training teacher: Zsuzsanna Koppányiné Langó head lower primary school teacher, deputy headmistress)

3rd grade.: Emma Papp: silver qualification (training teacher: Pjevaráné Boglárka Berényi, lower primary school teacher) 

4th grade.: Levente Laurinyecz: gold qualification (training teacher: Márta Aszódi szakvezető lower primary school teacher)

5th grade.: Gyula Sziklai: bronze qualification (training teacher: Anita Kiri teacher)

6th grade: Anna Hajnalka Groditzki: silver qualification (training teacher: Ilona Stafira-Lovas, head teacher) 

7the grade: Sára Tóth: silver qualification (training teacher: Ilona Stafira-Lovas, head teacher) 

8th grade: Botond Pusztai: gold qualification (training teacher: Ilona Stafira-Lovas, head teacher)

It is often mentioned that the city of Szarvas lies in the geographical center of the Carpathian Basin, thus it is a particularly nice result that students of Szarvas achieved so many qualifications.

We congratulate to the awarded students and training educators. We acknowledge their parents as well!