Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.2.06., Name day: Dorottya, Dóra.
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National Restorative Conference hosted by Gál Ferenc College

The National Restorative Conference was hosted by Gál Ferenc College and the Vilmos Gelsey Pedagogical Institute of Szeged-Csanád Diocese on 17th November, 2017. The event was attended by nearly a hundred-and-fifty educationists, educational experts and students. Opening words were delivered by Zoltán Maruzsa, deputy state-secretary of the Ministry for Human Capacities who highlighted some tangible school problems arising among students and parents due to bullying, flaming and harassing. He outlined possible solutions for these problems. The deputy state-secretary was followed by Rector Gábor Kozma on the podium who emphasized the fact that it is highly vital that up-to-date knowledge be incorporated into practice in terms of restorative processes. In midst of the opening talk, János Kothencz, head of the ÁGOTA foundation, a caritative organization, was appointed honorary college professor whereas, Judit Ritz, director of the Sándor Bálint Caritative Association of the Diocese was awarded an honorary degree of college associate professor.

During the morning program Erika Pálfi, head of section, in the Minsitry for Human Capacities, presented an empirical research conducted by the Institute of Educational Research in the context of bullying. Her words were complemented by the presentation of Éva Jármi, senior lecturer of Eötvös Lóránd University who gave a talk on the prevention and treatment of bullying in school. As part of the plenary talks, Carol Hamilton of Waikato University in New Zealand and Mária Kecskeméti of Aotea High School in New Zealand shared their views on inclusion and exclusion. Carol Hamilton pointed out that disabled people are still the most excluded group of people in New Zealand society. She also highlighted that many schools still believe that disabled children do not deserve to be treated equally when it comes to education. Prejudice/bullying towards disabled children is a huge issue. After the lunch break, round-table conversations and workshops were held in the framework of restorative practices. The high professional level of the conference was voiced by all the participants.