Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
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New exhibition on the twentieth anniversary of the death of Ferenc Gál

New exhibition on the twentieth anniversary of the death of Ferenc Gál


The denominator of our college, Ferenc Gál, died on 25th July, 1998 in Budapest. We are commemorating on his works with a new exhibition.

The college took Ferenc Gál’s name in 2008 who was a professor of dogmatics, a priest of great influence, theologian. He was the one who maintained the Catholic university education during the period of church persecution of the dictatorship and following that he reorganized it.

The exhibition created by Gál Ferenc College is on display in the ground floor hall of the central building of the college at Dóm tér in Szeged. The material on exhibit has been collected and organized by Ildikó Kövécs, head librarian and dr. Gábor Kozma, rector. The graphic design and planning have been conducted by Fingerprint Ltd.