Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
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New ERASMUS partnerships of Gál Ferenc College

At the end of the year, Gál Ferenc College has managed to extend the number of its ERASMUS partner institutions. The international secretary of the college, dr. István Thékes had discussion with the heads of Austrian and German universities over the possibility of inter-institutional partnerships and cooperations. As a result of the three-day visit, agreements have been signed with four new institutions.

Angelina Kratchanova, the international director of the 1978-founded Catholic Private University of Linz, a university which student number almost exactly matches that of our college emphasized the fact they not only meant to receive our students and teacher but mutually they expect to send their students and teachers to our institution in order to provide them with the opportunity of professional development. Cooperation will mainly be focused on the field of theology, education and philosophy.

The Paris Lodron University of Salzburg is also based on strong Catholic foundations. The university was founded in 1622 by arch-bishop Paris Lodron. The North-Western Austrian university is much larger than the institution in Linz and there is an immense opportunity for students to take part in international studies be that in the field of theology, education and health sciences. Benjamin Gauss, person in charge of international mobilities, pointed out that they have an agreement with several Hungarian universities, he will promote the chance of study-abroad at Gál Ferenc College amongst students with great pleasure.

One more Austrian higher-education institution signed an agreement with our college as a result of the visit. Church College of Education Graz is expecting our teachers in the field of theology, religious studies teaching and education for the purpose of obtaining international experience. Maria Schütky expressed her hope that they will receive several students of ours.

Besides the Austrian universities, the number of partner institutions in the ERASMUS network has been increased with a Bavarian university. The significance of Catholic University of Bavaria in Eichstätt-Ingolstadt is confirmed by the fact that former arch-bishop of Munich-Freising, Joseph Ratzinger, the later Pope Benedict XVI once taught at the university and is a professor honoris causa there. Our international secretary had the opportunity to meet Professor Erich Naab who was once student of Cardinal Ratzinger. The university is located in the wonderful Bavarian town of Eichstättben that mesmerizes the visitor with its Baroque buildings and especially with its cathedral that houses five-hundred angel statues. Our students are warmly encouraged to pursue studies here as anybody gets this chance will gain a lifetime experience.