Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.03., Name day: Kornélia.
Betűméret:  A   A   A

2020/03/11/1. No. Rector's Directive regarding the coronavirus epidemic in a declared emergency case on the measures taken at the GFC

As regards the emergency declared by the Government, in accordance with the Action Plan of the Deputy State Secretariat for Higher Education of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology dated March 11, 2020, I order the following at Gál Ferenc College.

The purpose of the instructions is to prevent the spreading of the coronavirus, taking into consideration the interests of the entire College community, students, teachers, staff, their families, and their environment.

1 I will order a rector's education break on March 12 and March 13, 2020.

2 I'll order a spring break for the March 16-21, 2020 period.

3 I remind students not to travel abroad during the spring break. They should possibly stay at home.

4 Students may not visit any of the units of Gál Ferenc College from March 12, 2020 to March 21, 2020. Accordingly, they may not, for any reason, stay in the GFC units for any purpose, whether for personal study or other purposes, or for library visits, sports or other purposes. This also applies to venues for practice.

5 From March 23, 2020, GFC will switch to distance education in all courses which lasts until withdrawal. During the distance learning period, students are not allowed to visit GFC units. Students will be informed how this is done by the end of the spring break.

6 Student administration shall be conducted exclusively by electronic procedure from 12 March 2020.

7 GFC instructors and staff should continue to do their job during the rector's break, spring break, and distance learning period!

8 The students must leave the dormitories by March 13, 2020 at the latest, requesting them to leave their dormitory to return to their homes. If the Hungarian nationality student has nowhere to go, the Rector may approve of their stay on an equity decision..

9 Foreign students may still remain in the GFC dormitories, but they will also be subject to statements phrased in points 1-5.

10 All domestic and international scientific, professional, and cultural events organized at Gál Ferenc College shall be postponed or rescheduled to the date upon revocation of these provisions.

Szeged, March 11, 2020