Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.2.23., Name day: Alfréd.
Betűméret:  A   A   A

2020/03/10/1. No. Rector's Instruction regarding the coronavirus epidemic on the measures taken at GFC

2020/03/10/1. No.

Rector's Instruction regarding the coronavirus epidemic on the measures taken at GFC


The Rector's Instruction, which will enter into force on March 10, 2020, will be based on a new appeal issued to the heads of institutions by the Deputy State Secretariat for Higher Education of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology on 09.03.209.

This Rector's Guide applies to all GFC students, faculty, staff, and even guests, visitors, visitors, and all facilities, including colleges, libraries, tango farms, and is consistent with the Rector's regulations issued so far in this subject, in unified structure with them.

This also applies to public education institutions maintained by the GFC, where students apply to children, students, teachers, teachers and staff.


To prevent the virus from spreading, I remind students, educators, and staff that:


- they must pay particular attention to hygiene, regular and thorough hand disinfection, frequent ventilation, and avoid contact with sick people.

- Everyone should pay close attention to their own health and contact their GP immediately by email or telephone if symptoms of the disease are detected. If you are in an area, do not go into the community and watch yourself; if you experience symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, depression, stay home, call your GP / Higher Education Occupational Health Doctor, or call the National Center for Public Health on 06 80 / 277-455 or 06-80 / 277-456 green numbers!


Worker instructions


I do not allow trips, study trips, or any official professional trips abroad.


Visitors should not be welcomed from vulnerable areas published on the website of the National Center for Public Health (www.nnk.gov.hu).


Students, faculty and staff who have returned from affected areas after February 12, 2020, and those who have contacted an infected person, shall be promptly informed in writing by the Dean or the Director-General of Central Administration. . Stakeholder mapping is to be conducted by the Dean on a case-by-case basis and by the Director General in the central departments using the attached questionnaire.


All higher education institutions are required to report to support the work of the Operational Core in Budapest. Reports may only be submitted by the Rector on persons crawled under the above procedure.


The Rector, as employer, shall exempt the employees concerned from work, subject to a payment of absence, for a period of 14 days from the date of their return, providing that they may not appear at their workplace or at any other GFC building during this period, too.


The Deans should prepare for distance education and online education in the event of a "home quarantine", and if not possible, will allow teachers and students to be absent with justification.


Portable Info-communication devices need to be verified that the settings are appropriate for working from home. Contact your IT staff for assistance.


The reception of delegations and invited persons from the affected areas must be postponed.


The technical staff should adhere to and adhere to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) in institutions and dormitories: to regularly clean and disinfect common areas using handles, disinfect handles and barriers.

Organizing events


Regarding the organization of events organized by the College - professional, scientific, cultural, community, student events - prior to the event, special approval of the Rector shall be sought, which shall make its decision in consultation with the Rector's Office. The e-mail must include the name, nature, date, venue, planned number of participants and intended attendance of the event.

No further external events are permitted in any of the College's property as of now, in the case of previously agreed external events, the Rector must be notified in writing of the name, nature, date, venue, planned number of participants, and intended attendance of these events. with the written permission of the owner.


 Statement of Order


I would like to draw your attention to the fact that official statements and other measures concerning the spread of coronavirus infection are the exclusive responsibility of the Rector of GFC.

At GFC, I designate exclusively the Rector's Cabinet to coordinate the coronavirus epidemic activities, which, in accordance with the Rector's instructions, also liaise with the Deans and the Student Council.

Student matters

Previously, the entire student community was informed through Neptun messages and Rector Circulars.


As a rector, I order the refusal to visit college buildings, real estate, and internships for students who have been in the coronavirus area after February 12, 2020, or have met people in the coronavirus area prior to their meeting for two weeks, possibly living with such a person in the same household. The prohibition on visiting students is for 14 days, starting from the day the student or a person living with him / her comes home from the infected area or when the student has been in contact with another person. Students are not disadvantaged in the event of justified absences, and absenteeism is treated flexibly, so students are requested to inform the Study Departments by email or telephone of the date of departure from the area and the name of the area. The Study Departments shall send information to the Rector through the Director of Education.


Useful links:

The procedure for the coronavirus published by the National Center for Public Health is available here.

The WHO briefing videos on preventing the spread of the coronavirus are available here.

WHO Effective Hand Wash Posters are available here.


10 Marc, 2020

dr. Gábor Kozma
