Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
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It is easy to find a job after graduating from Gyula

The Faculty of Health and Social Science sin Gyula held an open day to all those interested in applying for Gál Ferenc College on 9th January. The leadership of the Faculty in Gyula provided information on the details of application, international scholarships and the job market opportunities after graduation for those present at the open day of the Faculty.

Dean, dr. Lajos Fodor said in his opening speech that higher education in Gyula dates back to 25 years. The former institute of health sciences joined Gál Ferenc College last year with the shift in maintainers. He highlighted the fact that while in private higher HEIs, students pay for their own tuition, at the Faculty in Gyula the College provides state-funded courses in all three BA majors.

dr. Andrea Párduczné Szöllősi talked to the audience about nursing, the most popular course of the Faculty. The senior lecturer emphasized the fact that the course is practice-oriented. Venue of practice is neighboring Pándy Kálmán hospital.

The BA major, social work, is another course provided by the Faculty in Gyula. It was pointed out during the event that those who choose this profession enter into an exciting field. The course provides complex and up-to-date training. Students may learn psychology and legal skills that can be further extended at MA level.

The special course of health care organizer, health tourism organizer was presented by dr. Szilvia Beke. She pointed out that in Hungary Gyula is the first city where healing tourism is provided at higher education level. Students that graduate may find a job in wellness centers, spas and hospitals.

dr. Szilvia Beke also highlighted the fact that thanks to ERASMUS+ scholarships, students may study and obtain international experience in Belgium, Lithuania and Finland.