Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
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Internationalizing activities at Gál Ferenc College on the increase

Gál Ferenc College not only participates in the ERASMUS+ project but also in all other international projects such as KA107 project aiming the mobility between EU and non-EU countries and in the Campus Mundi project. Student of the Faculty of Theology, Csongor Losonc is now staying in Toronto on a Campus Mundi scholarship to study the Hungarian Catholic community there.

At the beginning of the year, new partners signed agreements with our college: University of South Bohemia and Paul-Valery Montpellier University of France is set to enter into a partnership. For our teachers, new training institutions will provide for service Alpha School Malta, GLS IH Language Campus Berlin, IH Language Academy Barcelona, IH Language Academy Aberdeen

More recently, six of our Szarvas students have participated in professional training sessions: five of them in Germany and one of them in Finland. Two students of the Faculty of Theology have travelled to Poland to take part in a full-semester course. Károly Szántó will study in Cracow at the Jesuit Unsiversity Ignatianum University while Sebestyén Szűcs will start his studies to improve his catechetic skills in Warsaw at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University.

dr. István Thékes, institutional coordinator visited GLS IH Berlin to get acquainted with new educational methods and to prepare for a cooperation with the Berlin institution. Besides our teachers, this will help the professional training of our teacher trainee students in Szarvas. The modern campus of GLS IH Berlin comprises 62 classrooms and a well-equipped hotel as well.

Active mobilities will continue in the months to come. Teachers of the Faculty of Theology dr. Gábor Horváth and dr. Gábor Czagány and those of the Faculty of Pedagogy, dr. Orsolya Szilvássy and Zsuzsanna Cseh Kutas are set to take part in academic language trainings in Galway, Ireland.