Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
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The final of the Gerhardus Scientific Student Conference (GSSC) has been held

The final of the Gerhardus Scientific Student Conference (GSSC) has been held

Gál Ferenc University organized the GSSC which hosted beyond-borders Hungarian Christian students. Based on the submitted studies twenty-four contestants were invited to the Szeged final held with the chief patronage of Bishop dr. László Kiss-Rigó on 23rd-24th February. The contestants, amongst which there were fifteen Catholics and nine Calvinists, were divided into four sections.

The opening ceremony was held in the Klebelsberg Room of Gál Ferenc University during which Rector Gábor Kozma reminded the audience of the four further Christian student conferences held between 2009 and 2012. Those multilingual, ecumenical, conferences connecting denominations then became testimony of the Christian faith appearing in sciences and in the brotherhood entailing it. The GSSC held now recommenced all of these and it focused on the fact that the scientific language use if the highest level of applying native language, a skill which can be grounds of the application of other languages.

During the opening ceremony, professor Péter Zakar reported the greeting of the organizers and the jury; from the part of the social partners, Béla Kaka, president of the Csongrád County local government held a short speech to greet the contestants. As the representative of the maintainer, the Szeged-Csanád Diocese, Levente Serfőző, education commissary officially opened up the conference. After the afternoon section presentations, with the guidance of Sándor Köllő, Catholic and Gábor Czagány, Reformed university clergymen and with the service of the young musicians of the Catholic chapelry, an ecumenical prayer session was held.

On the final day of the conference, while the jury were holding discussions, the participants had the opportunity to listen to plenary talks on the questions of the GULAG-phenomenon presented by Széchenyi-award winning professor, Miklós Kun, law historian Attila Horváth and historian Ildikó Kassai.

At the closing ceremony, Imre Lipcsei, dean of the Pedagogical Faculty of Gál Ferenc University, and Péter Zakar, president of the jury presented the participants with the awards. Finally, Levente Serfőző closed down the ceremony. Rector Gábor Kozma gave a farewell to the participants, expressing his hope that all of them can recommence the Christian service of the European and Hungarian culture and sciences in the 2018 GSSC. As thanksgiving, the professors, the guests and the participants sang the Te Deum together.