Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.03., Name day: Kornélia.
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The digital initiatives of Vodafones have passed the test

DIP roundtable discussion, online press conference…


On June 24, 2020, Vodafone Hungary organized a DIP - Digital School Program - round table discussion, to which Gyula Bíró, the Director of Training Development of Gál Ferenc College, was also invited, representing the college.


The discussion was moderated by Nóra Szekeres, Dr. Gergő J. Budai, Vice President of Vodafone Hungary, Dorka Váczi, digital angel of the Vodafone Hungary Foundation, Márta Éder, a digital pedagogical expert, and an excellent student of Mórahalom Primary School. The roundtable discussion revealed how Vodafone has played a role in digital education, how these lessons have been applied in line with the digital agenda of schools. The effective answers of Vodafone Hungary were presented by Dorka Váczi, who was pleased to note that educators working in public education have participated innovatively in the application of the programs, creating a huge digital pedagogical knowledge base intensively in the recent period. Pedagogical expert Márta Éder shared her experiences and pointed out that in accordance with the cooperation agreement concluded with Gál Ferenc College, an excellent group of students has already joined the program as graduates of the Szarvas teacher training faculty.


Joining this, Gyula Bíró informed the press that the rector of Gál Ferenc College and the president of the Vodafone Hungary Foundation will soon sign a strategic cooperation in the framework of which they will implement a professional training development content, the pilot of which will excel this semester despite the changed circumstances. it could have taken place at the Gál Ferenc College. The teacher training of the college and the coordinated development of the educational activities of the practice institution showed that by recognizing the changed situation in time, it was possible to deal with real digital pedagogical answers and to do real content work. The aim of the college is to be able to implement a more lifelike digital education by creating a contemporary, dynamic and inspiring educational environment, by training motivated teachers. He stressed that the future generation of educators is not age-dependent but attitude-dependent: it is able to provide open and effective, definite answers to ongoing challenges. At the press conference, he said that under the leadership of the College's Department of Social Pedagogy, the course held by Dr. Gábor Kozma, head of the department, college teacher, and Dr. István Thékes, associate professor, had been introduced this year. strategies appear in the 21st century. In the light of the expected competencies of the 21st century in higher education. Which can correspond to the changed pedagogical and pedagogical roles in the field of teacher training by applying the tools of digital pedagogy. However, the “things of the soul” should not be forgotten either, so the college deals with the special pedagogical challenges of net-addicted children and the development and support of the image of a “screen-conscious family”. Offering the studies of the Covid-19 study volume published by the college to the press, he emphasized that Márta Éder, a digital pedagogical expert, had already been invited by the editor-in-chief of the volume to write her experience of the pilot program in a case study.


With the strategic partnership of Vodafone Hungary, Ferenc Gál College recognized in time the growing importance of cyberspace, the generational needs and conflicts that are inherent in the digital world, but require effective emotional and cognitive, methodological responses that reflect a real creativity factor. In the summer of this year, a new digital classroom will be created at the GFC Szarvasi Campus, the faculty of teacher training and the GFC Training Institute, with the support and cooperation of Vodafone Hungary, for the first time in Hungarian higher education and teacher training.


With the strategic partnership of Vodafone Hungary, Gál Ferenc College recognized in time the growing importance of cyberspace, the generational needs and conflicts that are inherent in the digital world, but require effective emotional and cognitive, methodological responses that reflect a real creativity factor. In the summer of this year, a new digital classroom will be established at the GFC Szarvasi Campus, the faculty of teacher training and the GFC Training Institute, with the support and cooperation of Vodafone Hungary, for the first time in Hungarian higher education and teacher training.