Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.03., Name day: Kornélia.
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The work of the Student Government helper network at GFC during the distance learning period

In the student helper and mentor network set up by the Student Government, upper-year students (who have already completed a previous subject, they also have exam experience) provide learning assistance to lower-age students through info-communication channels during the distance learning period. This is complemented by lifestyle counseling and, if necessary, mental health remote assistance, given that all of this is not only taught by GFC, but also involves its excellent students.

Faculty Student Governments reported that the program was successful in all faculties. At the beginning of the epidemic situation, the questions were asked mostly about holding literature, curricula and online lessons, while approaching the examination period, they were about the dates of the examinations and how they were conducted. On several occasions, the students turned to their mentors for reassurance and confirmation, which was a huge support for them, as even in this period full of changes, they could always know who to turn to for advice and encouragement.

The effective operation of the mentoring program is also indicated by the fact that mentors are constantly facing fewer and fewer questions, as students report that instructors complete most tasks with detailed, understandable explanations on common surfaces, and regular online classes help a lot at home continuing studies.

Of course, the program does not end, and during the upcoming examination period, the candidates can turn to the student mentors appointed by the faculties with courage and confidence. The GFC Student Government will do its utmost to continue the mentoring program, counting on the further active and enthusiastic participation of their fellow students and the support of their faculty and institution management.