Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
Betűméret:  A   A   A

The director of the Language Center of the Canadian St. Mary’s University was the guest of Gál Ferenc College

The most recent partner of Gál Ferenc College is the Canadian St. Mary’s University located in Halifax, Canada form the part of whom active interest is shown towards the exploitation of cooperation opportunities. Common thinking was launched between the two institutions in November 2018 when dr. István Thékes, secretary for foreign affairs met the representatives of the Halifax university at a higher education congress held in Ottawa.

Two weeks ago Ilaria Pivi, the representative of the Canadian partner institution visited Szeged and met our colleagues and students. Now, the director of the Language Center, Zak McLaren flew over the Atlantic Ocean in order to discuss the opportunities in foreign language instruction in the Dóm Square headquarters of GFC. Zak McLaren met Mrs. Biernacki Éva Csilics, Mónika Csefkó and Mrs. Péter Zakar foreign language teachers and dr. István Thékes secretary for foreign affairs. Following the discussion, the Canadian guest visited the Dóm Square bulding of GFC where he met students and talked to them. Several Szeged students showed interest in the overseas training since they had received inspiration from the Campus Mundi photo exhibition to study abroad. Zak McLaren got acquainted with the colleagues working in the Szeged building. During the afternoon, further discussions were held as to how the students of GFC could benefit more efficiently from the scholarship offered by the Campus Mundi program with the help of the Canadian university.