Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
Betűméret:  A   A   A

New ERASMUS in-doors floor stickers were installed ceremoniously in the main building of Gál Ferenc College.

On 5th December, 2017, new ERASMUS in-doors floor stickers were installed ceremoniously in the main building of Gál Ferenc College. The purpose was to call the attention of students and teachers on the fact that year by year an increasingly larger financial support is provided for international mobility.

More than fifty people amongst them students and teachers saw the circular stickers placed on the floor. As part of the event attended by local media, Sebestyén Szűcs, future ERASMUS student in Warsaw, gave an interview as he expressed his excitement towards the opportunity to study abroad. Gábor Czagány, senior lecturer of the College, an experienced ERASMUS scholar highlighted the fact that ERASMUS mobility means inspiration for him, thus he made it clear for students that their skills and competences would be extensively improved if they ventured into travelling to foreign countries for an academic semester.

ERASMUS coordinator, senior lecturer István Thékes pointed out that one of the strategic points of Gál Ferenx College is internationalization in the framework of which students and teachers are encouraged to participate in international mobilities, be those professional practice or a semester-long study or one-week courses held, respectively. The coordinator also emphasized the fact that the college is experiencing an increasing number of partner institutions. In the past months new agreements were signed between the college and higher education institutions from Lithuania, Germany, Austria and even Armenia (under the aegis of a different education mobility program).

Stickers will also be installed in the Szarvas and Gyula campus of Gál Ferenc College so that students and teachers from these faculties also be provided an opportunity to take part in mobilities.
