Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
Betűméret:  A   A   A

The Baron William Gelsey Awards were presented.

The Baron William Gelsey Awards were presented. On the basis of the decision of the Board of Trustees, the awards were handed over on May 29 at a ceremony held at the Visitor Center of the Cathedral of Szeged. The Szeged-Csanád Diocese Gelsey's Institute of Pedagogy, on the occasion of the founder's birthday, published in December 2018 a call for the Baron Gelsey William Grand Award and the Baron Vilmos Gelsey Award.

The Baron Vilmos Gelsey Grand Award was handed to Zoltán Balog, Reformed pastor, former Minister, President of the Association for the Hungarian Civil Foundation, prime ministerial commissioner for decades of dedicated service for Christian education. Zoltán Balog's work was laudated by prior dr. Richárd Korzenszky's OSB emeritus.

The Baron Vilmos Gelsey Award was handed to dr. Tibor Fedor, Head of the Department of Church Coordination and Contact at the Prime Minister's Office, for the support of the reorganization and subsequent development of Church public education. Dr. Tibor Fedor's laudation was held by Endre Gyulay, retired bishop.

The awards were presented by dr. László Kiss-Rigó Bishop and dr. Gábor Kozma, Director General, Rector, in the presence of several state secretaries, deputy state secretaries, government commissioners and ministerial commissioners, prominent personalities of Hungarian scientific, economic and cultural life, Hungarian Catholic education and public education. The winners were greeted by the 98th year-old of Vilmos Gelsey, the pedagogical institute of Szeged and the founder of the award. The previous award-winners of the Baron Vilmos Gelsey Awards founded in 2014 were also present at the ceremony