Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
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Gál Ferenc College signed an agreement with Csongrád County Directorate for Disaster Recovery

Gál Ferenc College signed an agreement with Csongrád County Directorate for Disaster Recovery

    The purpose of the agreement signed by GF College is to prepare students for disaster recovery and to get them acquainted with inhabitant and fire recovery to the greatest possible extent.
On Wednesday morning the parties signed the agreement in the frame of ceremonial staff gathering, which came into being between GF College and Csongrád County Directorate for Disaster Recovery.
The agreement came into force on the day of signature Bishop Dr. László Kiss-Rigó and rector, Gábor Kozma in the name of the college and Imre Szatmári, firefighter Brigadier General from the part of Csongrád County Directorate for Disaster Recovery signed the document which is a bilateral agreement.

    Accordingly to the freshly signed memorandum of understanding, the representatives of the college took upon themselves to inform the county directorate on the curriculum of the courses conducted at the college, on its system and give professional help during the preparatory trainings run at the directorate. In the following years the college provides opportunity for the dissemination of fire and inhabitant recovery activities and it guarantees that disaster recovery studies will be incorporated into the courses at GF College.

   According to the stipulations in the agreement, the directorate takes it upon itself to inform the college on its disaster recovery structure and up-to-date task system and it provides opportunity and room for practical training.