Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
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Gál Ferenc College has signed an ERASMUS+ partnership agreement with nearly forty institutions

The secretary for foreign affairs of the college was guest of the Catholic University of Zagreb and thanks to this visit, our college signed an agreement with this institution. Our students and colleagues might as well apply now for mobility to Zagreb from now on. The focus in this partnership is mainly on the field of theology and pedagogy.

GFC has laid great emphasis on the strengthening of internationalization processes in the past year and it applied for financial support of mobilities of a great extent. Thanks to the ERASMUS+ program managed by Tempus Public Fund there is an opportunity for both student and teachers to gain international experience.

The partnership network of GFC has increased three fold in the past period. The list is available on our website at https://gffszegedarchiv.gfe.hu/erasmus_partnerintezmenyeink).

Nine of our students has started this academic year as pupils on ERASMUS+ scholarship. Seven of them currently study in the following places: Romania, Scotland, Austria and Belgium.



On 8th October, Monday, institution ERASMUS+ coordinator, dr. István Thékes is set to give a presentation on ERASMUS+ scholarships and the up-to-date opportunities.

Our student may submit their application until 31st October, 2018 based on the present call (https://gffszegedarchiv.gfe.hu/uploads/fm/gff_international/Palyazati_felhivas_Erasmus_2018_2019_II_felev_02.pdf)whereas applications for training mobilities are received continuously up to the exploitation of the entire tally of mobility numbers, up to the 60th day prior to the first day of mobility at the latest.