Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
Betűméret:  A   A   A

ERASMUS information day at the Faculty of Theology

Dr. István Thékes, secretary for foreign affairs, gave an informative talk to the students ont he ERASMUS+ program of the college and the application and scholarship opportunities related to it. The college has increased its number of partner institutions in the past year and a half and both the number of student and teacher mobility have multiplied. After the presentation, questions could be asked on foreign study trips and professional practice.

At the Szarvas, Gyula and Békéscsaba faculties of our college, the faculty coordinators also held presentations. In the near future, two teachers in Gyula are set to take part in training mobility in Malta. A student in Szeged is preparing for a semester at the Catholic University of Murcia. In the previous period of the ERASMUS program that closed in September GFC outdid the undertaken indicative figures in terms of teacher mobility and fell just one short of it in terms of student mobility.

We are receiving applications for student mobility until 31st October, 2018. The first step of the application is online registration. Following that the faculty coordinators will get in touch with those interested. Apart from the scholarship by default, accessory financial support can be applied for by students in disadvantageous background and those with disabilities.


ERASMUS information day at the Faculty of Theology