Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
Betűméret:  A   A   A

The first staircase-running race was a successful and cheerful event on Shrove Tuesday

   The first staircase-running race was a successful and cheerful event on Shrove Tuesday

In the building of Gál Ferenc University, the staircase-running race organized by ENSI and the Student Government attracted a great deal of students. The starting line of the race was in front of the Klebelsberg Room and the contestants reached the finish line on the landing of the third floor. Warm-up was led by the head of ENSI, assistant professor dr. István Thékes, former tennis player. Following this, Zoltán Kovács said a prayer expressing his gratitude that one can practice physical activities and at times our psycho-motoric skills are assessed.

The contestants could take the number of the flight of stairs at their comfort; however the railing could not be touched. Since efficient staircase-running involves dynamism, stamina and elasticity, complex psycho-motoric skills had to be applied from a sports science perspective.

The event followed the organizing procedure of Alpine ski races. Following the first leg, in the second and final leg, contestants toed the line in a reverse ranking order. After Zsanett Szabó, had won the first leg followed by Benedek Magyar and Dávid Lőrincz, a short break was held.

After the break, Bendek Magyar and Dávid Lőrincz could improve on their speed taking over the lead and finishing first and second, respectively. Zsanett Szabó, the best female participant of the race, ended up on the proud third position.

The winner and the runner-up were awarded a 15,000 HUF and a 5,000 HUF coupon of a sports equipment department store, respectively, whereas the bronze medalist was presented with sports tool accessories.

We emphatically congratulate to all of our participants on their sports performance.


Official combined final result

1st place: Benedek Magyar (catechetics, 2nd year student): 34.7 sec

2nd place: Dávid Lőrincz (theology, 4th year student): 34.84 sec

3rd place: Zsanett Szabó (religion teacher and educator major, 1st year student): 37.3 sec



The first staircase-running race was a successful and cheerful event on Shrove Tuesday