Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.1.31., Name day: Marcella, Gerda.
Betűméret:  A   A   A

Economics Campus Conference - Serving Sciences in Békéscsaba

The Faculty of Economics of Gál Ferenc College held an academic session entitled Economics Campus Conference – Serving Sciences on 25th April, 2018. Curators of the event were dr. Gábor Kozma, rector of GFC and Péter Szarvas, mayor of Békéscsaba. In their greeting speeches both of them emphasized that with the shift of a new maintainer the dynamic development of the Campus has been given a new chance. The main goal is that the institution will become the center of local cultural life and will provide for quality higher education training.

The first presentation was given my dr. Zoltán Árpás. The title of his speech was Touristic opportunities in the digital world. Anikó Fereczné Szarvas, master teacher, presented the importance of emotional intelligence in a talk entitled IQ or EQ. Numerous other presentations followed the opening talks amongst them that of dr. István Molnár on triangles, dr. Zsolt Nemeskéri’s on digital competences in the labor market and István Muzsik, factory director of Marzek Kner Packaging Ltd, entitled ’Packaged in the Future’.

In the audience of a lot of people were the representatives of GFC, teachers and students, besides them teachers and students of the local secondary schools and citizens of great importance in the city’s cultural and social life. Following the event, sandwich lunch was offered and a professional meeting was held for them. The program was closed down by a guided tour around the Campus.

Katalin Uhrin, head librarian