Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
Betűméret:  A   A   A

Gál Ferenc University calls for Easter figurative arts application for its students


Gál Ferenc University calls for Easter figurative arts application for its students


The call for application attempts to inspire students of GFU to gain a great deal of experience on the excitement of creating or appreciating pieces of art during their studies. These instances of art experience could particularly contribute to the intellectual and spiritual improvement of their future profession serving society and communities. The call published during Lent of 2017 targets students with a feel for creating and of artistic talent with the intention of having them express themselves with the tools of literature (poetry, prose, drama), figurative arts (painting, graphics, sculpture), photography, cinematography and music and composition. The application works, the pieces of art must be submitted until 17th April, 2017 at the latest according to the attached brochure and call.


The application works and pieces of art are judged by the jury in Szeged as a result of which, in each art branch, three positions are determined in the following value:


1st price: 60,000 HUF

2nd price: 40,000 HUF

3rd price: 20,000 HUF

The pieces of art are made public in exhibitions, publications and the press. Result ceremony is held in Szarvas on 26th April, 2017 during the GFU Pedagogical Faculty’s talent conference where the awarded participants are invited.