Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
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Gál Ferenc College at East Fest

Gál Ferenc College also participated in the East Fest Civil Village Program of Mezőtúr from July 26-27 at Mezőtúr City Swimming Pool and Elizabeth Park where many festival-goers could can meet with our College.

The EFOP-1.3.5-16-2016-00709 program, entitled "Community Building Activities of Ferenc Gál College in Mezőtúr and its Surrounding Area", provided the opportunity to introduce GFC faculties. In the project GFC organizes community development programs until the end of May 2020 in Mezőtúr and Szarvas.

This year’s East Fest event has been high on this year's GFC program, as it is the most important task to meet youngsters who are preparing for a career and further education. They were received at our booth to with small gifts so that their feeling of belonging to GFC will be strengthened: beach balls, colored bracelets, key holders. Visitors could take selfies with SelfieMe camera. The aim for them was to know the possibilities of learning and building the future in the region of Kőrös rivers, in Mezőtúr and the GFC faculties.