Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
Betűméret:  A   A   A

Our colleagues’ language course trip in Dublin

On the basis of the memoradum of understanding signed with Atlantic Language School, three colleagues from Szeged had the chance to participate in a Dublin course in July. The three employees of the Rector’s Office spent a very useful study trip financed by the ERASMUS program in Dublin.

On the grounds of a preceding online diagnostic language test, our colleagues were divided into groups of different language abilities. Thus, in terms of language knowledge they improved their language skills intensively in homogenous groups while in terms of nationalities these groups were varied. They were given the chance of studying in exciting communicative situations.

After the classes held in the mornings, one could enrich their cultural, gastronomic and touristic experience to a great extent in the birthplace of James Joyce. The unique atmosphere of the parks, the liveliness of Grafton Street, the friendliness of Irish people and the Irish walk of life presented in the summer hit song ’Galway girl’ made their trip memorable.

Atlantic Language School provides communicative language courses preparing students for conference presentations and they also run courses with a focus on teaching students how to write academic articles in English in one-week courses. Our contracted partnership makes all these possible; thus our teaching staff may want to take this opportunity into consideration. Three of our colleagues have already had a hands-on experience as to how good it is to study in Dublin and get a taste of the atmosphere of the birthplace and the attractive city of Fingal O'Flahertie Wills, alias Oscar Wilde and the hospitality of the people of Saint Patrick.

 Thékes I.