Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.03., Name day: Kornélia.
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Be humble, strong and persistent! – Don Bosco Day at GFC Teacher Training Elementary School

Don Bosco Day of Gál Ferenc College Elementary School of Szarvas started with a loud buzz and a noise. At the Mass of the institution on January 31, 2019, Saint John Bosco was chosen as the patron saint of the institution. The Board of Trustees has decided that this day will be a day of joy, soul and body for children. The ground of education of Don Bosco is based on love. Although the founder of the Sales Order did not develop systematic education, he provided pedagogical guidance with his life and work that could rightly be the basis of a teacher training institution, a guide to the everyday pedagogical practice of an educational-methodological center. The Catholic priest of XIX. century was an educator, an iconic figure of folk culture, education, social care. He conducted vocation in his daily ministry, which can simply be called "the pedagogy of love." The educator among the educated ... Play, fun, fun, joy, togetherness, clinging to work, religion, friendliness, "childishness" are just some of Don Bosco's pedagogies representing true fatherly care .

Parish Father Imre Kiss, a college professor, delivered the message and encouragement to the school community as part of the day's quote, quoting Don Bosco as "being humble, strong, and persevering." In a few moments of Don Bosco's life, a miraculous life course, the children could feel what mutual trust between educated and nurtured, what selfless forgiveness, "true freedom", and healthy living in body and soul meant.

Headmaster Gyula Bíró, a college master teacher, greeted the school citizens and reminded us why Don Bosco was chosen last year. How we can represent, through our service and our activities, the educational legacy that Bosco has set us as an example in the life of St. John. However…, aside from seriousness, this article is about the margins of a truly joyous day, as agitated young people competed in several sports to win the Don Bosco Cups. Péter Bogdán, the newly elected president of the Student Council, thanking his constituent trust and his opponent for noble competition, started the rounds that filled the morning with a series of rounds, relay, basketball and football games: with the guidance of PE teachers, Aunt Bogi, Julcsi and Klári. The poem-tellers of the Cherry Group brought the day to an end, and of course, the common prayer, led by Father Imre, could not be left behind, and then the sound of encouraging cries made the day memorable.

Don Bosco Day at GFC Teacher Training