Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2024.12.22., Name day: Zénó.
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Presentation on Gál Ferenc College at the ERASMUS Congress in Cyprus

ERACON, 2019, Erasmus Coordinators' Annual Congress, was held in Paphos, Cyprus, from May 1 to 4, with Dr. Tibor Navracsics, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport as chief patron. This was the third time that Gál Ferenc College was represented at the most important international event in higher education. This year's conference was attended by 1000 representatives of higher education institutions from nearly 30 countries. At the congress, Dr. István Thékes, associate professor and Secretary for Foreign Affairs gave a lecture on the results of our empirical research conducted with Dr. Gábor Kozma, Rector entitled “THE EFFECT OF TEACHERS” PARTICIPATION IN ERASMUS + ON THE SUCCESS OF INTERNATIONALIZATION OF GAL FERENC COLLEGE. The lecture was received by the audience with interest, and most of them were inspired to start similar research.

At the conference, Dr. István Thékes discussed with five European universities on potential new cooperations. In the plenary session, Dr. Petri Bernadett, on behalf of Dr. Tibor Navracsics, provided information on the next seven-year cycle. It was also said that the name ERASMUS + will be simplified and will run on as ERASMUS, and the level of support will double from 2020 onwards.

On the labor market, those students have the opportunity to succeed and to pursue a better career that study in an international environment. Empowered by the international study experience they can be better equipped with skills. As regards international mobility, all the help is provided by Gál Ferenc College, where for students it is no longer just an opportunity, but it is an expressed expectation from them to pursue foreign studies. GFC organizes mobilities for its students with its 40 foreign partners, and it can set up mobility anywhere in the world. International studies are fully acknowledged in credits at GFC. The college also helps to gain additional and social support in addition to a scholarship.


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