Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
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Conference on nationality at the Faculty of Education of Gál Ferenc College

Conference on nationality at the Faculty of Education of Gál Ferenc College


Conference on nationality at the Szarvas Faculty of Education of Gál Ferenc College was held for the sixth time. This year’s conference entitled ’Language and value protection in nationality education’ took place on 12th April with the patronage of Zsolt Semjén Vice-Prime Minister, and Szeged-Csanád bishop, László Kiss-Rigó

The conference in Szarvas focused on the following issues: Slovak, Romanian and German kindergarten and teacher training; kindergarten and school nationality education and the questions of education. The conference was greeted by Imre Lipcsei, dean of the organizing Faculty of Education.

Bishop László Kiss-Rigó highlighted the fact in his opening speech that Christianity strengthened the identity of nations, helped the protection of their values and traditions. Easter brings the happy message of resurrection and preparing for Pentecost means the most entire co-living and cooperation for the Christian speakers of different languages and for those Christians belonging to different nations.

The presentation of Vice-Prime Minister Zsolt Semjén, the patron of the conference pointed out that Christianity had always refuted the ideology denying national and minority existence. That is why he finds it important that teacher training conducted in Szarvas has been maintained by the Szeged-Csanád Diocese since 2014.

Rector, Gábor Kozma spoke to the 120 participants and guests of the conference that the roots originating from the ground of the culture of peoples living together are interwoven, which gives special power to the relationship with our homes but we must not forget that the rhythm of the cultural heart-beat of our era is regulated by the secure basis of Christian values.

Politicians and nationality leaders all greeted the intention of the Faculty of Education concerning the strengthening of nationality education amongst whom were Florin Trandafir Vasiloni, Chief Consul of Romania in Gyula, János Fuzik, Slovak nationality speaker, Kreszta Traján, Romanian nationality speaker and Mónika Mittag, member of the German National Government.

Mihály Babák, mayor of Szarvas happily asserted the role of Gál Ferenc College in higher education in Békés County and the caring for the culture of nationalities living elsewhere.

Present at the conference were Béla Dankó, member of parliament, Krisztina Lukács, director of Békés County Government’s Office and András Várfi, vice-president of  Békés County Local Government.