Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
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Closing of academic school year at Gál Ferenc College

providing confirmation”

The central closing session of the academic year at Gál Ferenc College was held in Szeged. The rector of the institution likened the university to a family which has been extending since 2012.

Gál Ferenc College has held its 86th closing session of an academic year during which the reverends with graduation gifts were greeted and the 37 students that graduated in Szeged were presented with their degrees.

We have gone through development and expanded; we have coped with lots of difficulties and have been part of a lot of good things”- said Rector, dr. Gábor Kozma. He emphasized that the institution consists of three faculties, an agricultural institution in Mezőtúr, a teacher-training primary school in Szarvas and a secondary school in Békés.

Whilst the two Szeged faculties have merged, a new institution has been taken over in Békés county from Szent István University which has resulted in the medical and social higher education training becoming part of Gál Ferenc College.

„We are doing all of this in order to give a Christian example to the intentions of individual endeavors creating values. We are dealing with things that are unprovided for in society and are distant from the world of business” – pointed out the Rector.The Faculty of Theology is the third biggest int he country; however it is the first in terms of its position in religious studies training because the number of students majoring in religious studies is the highest in the country. All this means service and responsibility.  He also asserted that he does not view the college community as an education holding intentionally because it would lack life since families can step up against the decreasing of the population and the withering of the spirits.

It was also voiced during the session that an increasing number of students and teachers apply for the ERASMUS program as a result of an expanding network of international partnerships. Based on the most recent discussions, Dublin and Lisbon have become a destination of our community. It is also a significant fact that Gál Ferenc College has become a consortium partner the University of Szeged thanks to which a multi-billion forint research and development program will be launched.

Gál Ferenc College also held closing sessions of the academic year and graduation in Gyula and Szarvas during the third week of June.