Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
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Bicycle cross-tour to Tápé at Gál Ferenc University

Bicycle cross-tour to Tápé at Gál Ferenc University

In a momentary silence of rain but in stormy wind and inclement weather, Gál Ferenc University held its Szeged-Tápé bicycle Easter cross-tour. Organized by the Institute of Helth and Sports Institute (IHSI) on 6th April, the bike group of nearly twenty participants left for Tápé outside the building of the University to bike through the rampart to reach the Saint Michael Church of Tápé. Because of the windy weather, the accident-prone city route had to be shortened and instead of Kálvária Avenue, the bikers had to get to the Tisza rampart in the shortest possible way. Upon reaching the church in Tápé, senior lecturer, dr. István Thékes, head of the IHSI, recited the poem entitled Christ of Tápa written by Gyula Juhász on the eightieth death anniversary of the poet on the very day, who was himself a regular visitor of the Saint Michael Church. 

The participants could profoundly get to know the church of Medieval origin. The new cathedral-type building involves three periods: the marks of Gothic, Baroque and Eclectic styles. The group of college students inspected the frescoes restored in 2016 and the bell weighing 300 kgs placed by the altar and also admired the statue of Saint John of Nepomuk, and revamped glass windows portraying saints and Beautified Sára Salkaházi.


In the church priest-trainees, Zoltán Kovács and Balázs Polyák led the Easter procession of the stations of the cross for the students. Following the visit to Tápé, the pupils rode their bikes back to the main building of the University in Szeged daring the cold wind. The pilgrimage involving an unexpected effort, the procession of the stations of the cross and the reciting of the intellectual instance of popular religiousness with the poem by Gyula Juhász brought the spiritual strengthening of the preparation for Easter and the long-lasting common memory of common experience for everybody. 

The Lent period began with a physical probe to lay the base for persistence when a staircase-running competition was held in the central building of Gál Ferenc University. Following that Lent meditations, the above-described bike cross-tour, the Szeged cross-tour were held. After Easter the result ceremony of the art project of the students will be at issue.