Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
Betűméret:  A   A   A

Presentation of dr. János Áder, President of the Republic in Gyula at Gál Ferenc College

"Coal firing for energy purposes in Hungary will cease by 2030. The precondition is that Paks 2 will be built and the country's solar power capacity will be increased to 7000 MW by 2030," the President of the Republic said in Gyula on Tuesday as part of the lecture given at the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences of GFC.

He also noted the importance of technological change in energy-intensive industries - cement, glass and rubber - and drastic reductions in methane emissions from agriculture and he pointed out at the significance of afforestation.

In connection with climate change, the head of state recalled a hurricane in the Bahamas that involved a wind of nearly 300 kilometers per hour and claimed 3,000 deaths, and recalled what happened two years ago in Houston, when about two days of rain fell on the American city and its surroundings. No such infrastructure can withstand such storms, he said.

John Áder spoke of the unprecedented forest fires in the Amazon Basin and Siberia with huge carbon emissions, and cited the city of Chennai in India as an example of extreme drought, where water and reservoirs were completely depleted this year.

Today, there is almost a hundred percent consensus in science that the primary cause of climate change is human activity, said the President of the Republic.

The dramatic changes are characterized by up to $ 50 billion a year in damage caused by natural disasters between 1980 and 1990, but in the last ten years there has been no year when that amount was less than $ 100 billion, "said John Áder.