Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2024.9.20., Name day: Friderika.
Betűméret:  A   A   A

About the Heritage of Reformation - Honestly (A one day symposium at Gál Ferenc College) 19th October 2017 Szeged (Hungary)

The proposal is not a simple ecumenical conference on heritage of Reformation and about the possibility of dialogues. The conference tries to find viewpoints of today’s churches on events of Reformation and to highlight the most important problems of dialogue.


This one day conference seeks to find some criteria of study on denominations, which came into existence after the events of Reformation. These study results sometimes lead to difficult controversies and insoluble problems. However, it is necessary to see and solve these questions towards the further efficient cooperation between churches.


Proposed program:



Gábor Kozma (Rector, Gál Ferenc College): Opening words

László Kiss-Rigó (Roman Catholic Bishop): Greetings - Visible and invisible controversies

Károly Fekete (Reformed Bishop): Liturgical Heritage – Connection and wall in the dialogue


Coffee Break


György Benyik (Roman Catholic Theologian, Gál Ferenc College): Biblical roots of ecumenical controversies)

Mihály Kránitz (Roman Catholic Theologian, PPTE, Faculty of Theology): Institutional controversies after the Reformation


12:00: Lunch Break



Sándor Cserháti (Lutheran Theologian, University of Szeged, Faculty of Study of Religion): Girard – One viewpoint for communication between different churches

László Gonda (Reformed Theologian, Debrecen Reformed University: Different aspects on Mission in Roman Catholic and Protestant Theology

Gábor Czagány (Reformed Theologian, Gál Ferenc College): Important aspects of dialogue on Eucharist