Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
Betűméret:  A   A   A

A four-party memorandum of understanding signed

In a ceremonial session, a memorandum of understanding was signed among Szeged-Csanád Diocese, Gál Ferenc College, the Police Office of Békés County and the Police Office of Csongrád County on 19th February, 2019 in the Klebelsberg Hall.

Dr. László Kiss-Rigó, Bishop of Szeged-Csanád Diocese; Dr. Gábor Kozma Rector of Gál Ferenc College; Dr. Zsolt Polyák policeman Brigadier General, Chief police officer of Békés county; and József Dakos policeman Brigadier General, Chief police officer of Csongrád county signed the official document according to which they took upon themselves the organization of courses entitled ’Social safety – knowledge on prevention’ commenced in Szeged and Szarvas

With the signing of the MOU a new opportunity opens up for all students of GFC and for those working at the parishes of the Diocese and public education, charity, social, child protection institutions to be provided with knowledge on fundamental general safety, and crime and accident prevention that can be utilized during their work.

The course casts light on the work of disaster protection, ambulance service, and police and all those pieces of information that can be used to help those in need prior to receiving professional aid from the organizations listed.

A four-party memorandum of understanding signed