Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
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Mid-year ERASMUS conference at Gál Ferenc College

The mid-year ERASMUS conference of GFC was called on 6th July by dr. István Thékes, senior lecturer and institution ERASMUS coordinator.

The prupose of the July meeting was not only the summary of the previous academic year’s work, but to prepare for the concept on mobility in the oncoming academic year.

At the beginning of the discussion, rector, dr. Gábor Kozma and the deans of the Faculties, dr. József Kovács, dr. Imre Lipcsei and dr. Lajos Fodor. It was confirmed that GFC’s high priority is to strengthen international relationships, to inspire student mobility and to develop the foreign language course provision necessary for the reception of foreign students and teachers. The College provides for its conditions by using ERASMUS funds efficiently.

Rector, dr. Gábor Kozma introduced the new ERASMUS team set up in June which is led by dr. István Thékes senior lecturer and institution coordinator, who participated in the Maribor international ERAMUS coordinator congress. At the Rector’s Office, Szilvia Forrai is the aide to the work of the college coordinator, simultaneously conducting the organization of the Faculty of Theology. Referent from the Finance Office is Zsaklina Papp who helps the financial background work of internationalization of the college. The Szarvas Faculty of Pedagogy is represented by dr. Orsolya Szilvássy, associate professor, meanwhile the Faculty of Health and Social Science in Gyula delegates Kristóf Czinderi, assistant professor.

During the ERASMUS college conference, the different projects administered by Tempus Public Fund were outlined such as Campus Mundi and CEEPUS that, along with ERASMUS, are excellent opportunities for student mobility. It was emphasized that international experience is an indispensible value int he 21st century and they are important on the national labor-force market as well.

By the end of the summer, the new order of procedure will be presented and the quota figures of the faculties will be agreed upon. A new call for applications will be posted in the autumn.


Edited by dr. István Thékes, secretary for foreign affairs, ERASMUS coordinator.