Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
Betűméret:  A   A   A

The College provides for chance and opportunity

In those cities where education is present from the nursery school to higher education, a more vivid social life goes on – said dr. Zita Horváth at the event organized on the occasion of the Day of Gyula’s Higher Education. The Deputy secretary for higher education of the Ministry of Human Capacities pointed out in the ceremony hall of Gyula’s City Hall that those cities that have higher education institutions stand a better chance of development as proved by European examples.

At the beginning of the event, mayor dr. Ernő Görgényi highlighted that at Wednesday’s event, the College in Gyula and the renaissance of the city’s higher education are celebrated.

Rector of Gál Ferenc College, dr. Gábor Kozma, reminded the audience that the college of Szeged took over the only higher education institution of Gyula on 31st January, 2017, exactly a year ago and organized it into a college faculty. He mentioned that 31st January is also the Day of Saint John of Bosco.

Bishop dr. László Kiss-Rigó said in his speech that church education came to an end at the beginning of the 1950s. He emphasized the fact that the College is not striving for expansion but we are taking over duties and providing service.

The opening speeches were followed by a conference symposium inclusive of interesting presentations on different field of sciences; however focus was mainly cast on health sciences.


(Source: BEOL.hu)