Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
Betűméret:  A   A   A

Hundreds of Transcarpathian creating artists came to Békéscsaba

The 16th national Textile Conference was held between 9th-11th May, 2018 at the Faculty of Békéscsaba. The conference and the advertisers of its related campaign, the Békés County Folk Art Organization (Békéscsaba), the House of Traditions (Budapest) and the Association of Folk Art Organizations accepted nearly 400 applications for the event. The guests came not only from Hungary, but also from transylvania, Partium, Bánát, Bácska, the Mura surroundings, Transcarpathia and the Highlands. In the frame of the conference, in the Munkácsy Memory House, the Békés County library the national competitive exhibition entitled ’Folk textiles from the Carpathian Basin – Partium, Transylvania, Southlands, Highlands, Transcarpathia’. At the award-giving ceremony in the first greetings as the right of the host, rector-commissioned acting dean, dr. Imre Lipcsei interpreted our pleasure felt over the honor voicing the fact that we could receive this event of great level at our faculty. The three-day event provided new knowledge, further training, creating inspiration for all those participating but in a non-unneglectable amount new professional relationships and friendships were born. Gál Ferenc College is open to cultural events so the college was at the disposal of the organizers with pleasure in order to provide proper circumstances for this renowned event in cooperation with them. We hope that the organizers of the conference left feeling satisfied with not only the organization but also with the venue and in two years, the 17th National Textile Conference will be hosted by us within the walls of our faculty.


(Photo: BEOL.hu)


Press release


