Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
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News and articles

St. Patrick's Day - Mini Ireland at the Primary School of Gál Ferenc College

On the 17th March youngsters and elderly people all around the world remember the Christian missionary and bishop, Saint Patrick. This day is about celebration, cheerfulness and joy.

Conference entitled Polish-Hungarian relationships in the period of World War II is held on 21st March at the Faculty of Pedagogy

The conference is held in the framework of IMMORTAL OAK program ascribed by Wacław Felczak Fund

Call for 2018 Vilmos Gelsey Awards


Dr. Gábor Kozma college full professor held a presentation at the Our Home, the big family of the VI. Demography and health policy series

At the conference organized in Baja, Dr. Gábor Kozma held a presentation entitled ’Education focused on the dedication to the family’.

Our primary school students’ success at poem reciting in the Carpathian Basin
