The 87th central academic year closing and commencement was opened by rector, dr. Gábor Kozma. Following this, Dr. Csilla Holubán, the director of the Szeged Sub-County Office and dr. András Döbör, dean of the Gyula Juhász Teacher Training Faculty of the University of Szeged gave their greeting speeches. Following traditions, this year for the eleventh time those were greeted that graduated sixty-five, sixty and fifty years ago in the predecessor institution of the college. In the name of the gift graduates, Endre Gyulay, retired bishop gave a speech. In the spring semester of the 2017/2018 academic year 38 graduating students were presented with their diplomas. Those who excelled in their studies and had a high GPA were exclusively awarded. Representing the graduating students, deacon Zoltán Kovács said his farewell speech from the institution. The ceremony was followed by a Te Deum mass in the Cathedral. The mass was celebrated by bishop, László Kiss-Rigó and was co-celebrated by retired bishop Endre Gyulay and several other priest teachers with the service of deacons rector, dr. Gábor Kozma and Zoltán Kovács.
Name day: Kázmér.
Name day: Kázmér.
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