Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.03., Name day: Kornélia.
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News and articles

The universal Church is celebrating the assumption of the Virgin Mary on 15th August.

The universal Church is celebrating the assumption of the Virgin Mary on 15th August. The old Hungarian name of the commanded celebration, which means an obligation to attend mass for Catholics, is Nagyboldogasszony (Great Blissful Lady). On this day of celebration, the Rector of Gál Ferenc University has ordered a day off work in the institutions of the University, which are held closed.

Gál Ferenc University held its 85th graduation ceremony

Gál Ferenc University held its 85th graduation ceremony.

The 5th graders of the Szarvas Teacher Training Primary School are Hungarian kayak championship title holders

The two excellent students of the Szarvas Teacher Training Primary School of Gál Ferenc University, Gergő Keller and Ilés Boldizsár Bakula have also defended their Hungarian championship title this year in the Marathon kayak-canoe championship held in Győr in the MK-2 race. In the 5,000-m distance they outdid 33 competitors competing for the Szarvas Kayak-Canoe Watersport and Leisure time Club. Their coach is György Báthor.

Rector Gábor Kozma has been awarded the Knight’s Cross of Merit of the Polish Republic

Rector Gábor Kozma, rector of Gál Ferenc University, was presented with the Knight’s Cross of Merit of the Polish Republic on 17th May by Roman Kowalski, the ambassador of the Polish Republic seated in Budapest in the Bishop’s headquarters of Szeged-Csanád Diocese.

Bishop of the Szeged-Csanád Diocese László Kiss-Rigó paid a visit to Syria

Bishop of the Szeged-Csanád Diocese László Kiss-Rigó returned from Syria on 13th May where he had discussion over the conflict striking the country and the humanitarian situation.