Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.03., Name day: Kornélia.
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News and articles

Information day on entrance exams held at a szarvasi Vajda Péter Evangelical High School

Information day on entrance exams held at a szarvasi Vajda Péter Evangelical High School

Have you heard?

According to the government’s decision Gál Ferenc University is taking over the administration and education of the courses of the Health Science Campus located in Gyula as of 1st February 2017.

Admissions 2017

Gál Ferenc University is awaiting applicants until 15th February for pedagogy and agricultural expert majors and for nursing, social work and health tourism majors at the Gyula campus that will soon be taken over.

A new library was opened at the Pedagogical Faculty of Gál Ferenc University.

The Faculty became an integral part of our University in 2014; however the pedagogical library was not integrated into our institution from St. Stephen University. With respect to this, the Ministry of Human Ministry provided 42 million forint support so that a library be established and created by transforming former classrooms.

The 2016 Vilmos Gelsey awards have been presented

The awards of the Vilmos Gelsey Pedagogical Instiute of the Szeged-Csanád Diocese were presented during the ceremony held on 5th December at Gellért Hotel in Budapest as acknowledgement of high-level pedagogical and economical achievement of Hungarian education.