Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
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News and articles

Gál Ferenc University calls for Easter figurative arts application for its students

The call for application attempts to inspire students of GFU to gain a great deal of experience on the excitement of creating or appreciating pieces of art during their studies. These instances of art experience could particularly contribute to the intellectual and spiritual improvement of their future profession serving society and communities. The call published during Lent of 2017 targets students with a feel for creating and of artistic talent with the intention of having them express themselves with the tools of literature (poetry, prose, drama), figurative arts (painting, graphics, sculpture), photography, cinematography and music and composition. The application works, the pieces of art must be submitted until 17th April, 2017 at the latest according to the attached brochure and call.

Certificate acknowledging the headmaster of our primary school in Szarvas

Gyula Bíró, the headmaster of the Primary School and Kindergarten for Teacher Training of Gál Ferenc University located in Szarvas, college master teacher, was given the acknowledging certificate of Minister of Human Resources, Zoltán Balog on the occasion of our national celebration.

On 15th March, communal remembrance at Gál Ferenc University

On the occasion of our 15th March celebration, GFU holds a gathering in memory of the 1848-49 revolution and war of freedom on 14th March, 2017 at 12 o’clock on the mezzanine of the GFU building at Dóm square 6. At this communal remembrance, the thoughts of the head of our Church History Department, college associate professor, Gábor Horváth, are followed by the usual making of cockade. The organizing Rector’s Office warmly awaits all the students, teachers and colleagues of our university!

The first staircase-running race was a successful and cheerful event on Shrove Tuesday

In the building of Gál Ferenc University, the staircase-running race organized by ENSI and the Student Government attracted a great deal of students. The starting line of the race was in front of the Klebelsberg Room and the contestants reached the finish line on the landing of the third floor. Warm-up was led by the head of ENSI, assistant professor dr. István Thékes, former tennis player. Following this, Zoltán Kovács said a prayer expressing his gratitude that one can practice physical activities and at times our psycho-motoric skills are assessed.

The final of the Gerhardus Scientific Student Conference (GSSC) has been held

Gál Ferenc University organized the GSSC which hosted beyond-borders Hungarian Christian students. Based on the submitted studies twenty-four contestants were invited to the Szeged final held with the chief patronage of Bishop dr. László Kiss-Rigó on 23rd-24th February. The contestants, amongst which there were fifteen Catholics and nine Calvinists, were divided into four sections.